Assessing Cosmetic Treatments

Teeth whitening at MSC, your Sydney dentist in the CBD! We provide safe treatment for patients wanting to whiten their teeth.
There are many types of treatments and procedures that come under the scope of cosmetic dentistry. Some treatments improve your speech and ability to eat certain foods. Many offer everyday lifestyle benefits like enhancing your personal hygiene, comfort, and even social interaction. What all the treatments are designed to do is help you attain a more natural looking and beautiful smile. Unlike what some people perceive, cosmetic dental treatments do not involve painful surgeries. In fact, some cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are minimally invasive and do not involve any invasive surgery.

Teeth Whitening

Having your teeth whitened at a dental practice is considered the safest of all whitening treatments since it is performed by a registered clinician (either a dentist or hygienist) within a clinically safe environment. The trained professional uses special protective glasses, gels and material to shield your eyes, gums and lips from coming into contact with the bleaching agent. Depending on your original shade and dental condition, the cosmetic dentist is able to achieve visible shade improvements in just one sitting. Patients rarely feel any pain going for chairside whitening treatment, apart from potential transient sensitivity, which usually subsides within a few days after treatment.
Pain Level: Painless

Dental Veneers

Macquarie Street Centre are specialists in providing veneer treatment! Visit our Sydney dental practice, or call us to find out more on how porcelain veneers can help you improve your smile!
Dental veneers play an important role in correcting dental imperfections like chipped, crooked, broken or stained teeth. As long as your teeth remain structurally sound – and free from cavities or infections – the thin porcelain shells can help to seamlessly conceal any dental-related aesthetic flaw. The procedure basically involves applying the veneers onto the teeth’s surface using a special type of adhesive. This straightforward and painless treatment is growing in popularity, not least because it offers a minimally invasive cosmetic dental solution. Our dentists at the Macquarie Street Centre provide porcelain veneers in Sydney to a lot of patients who want to improve the look of their smile and teeth.
Pain Level:  Painless

Dental Implants

Other cosmetic procedures like dental implants involve surgery. The teeth replacement treatment is ideal for patients who are missing one or more teeth due to injury or disease. Dental implants offer a stable replacement to missing teeth that will restore both function and beauty to your smile. Surgery is required to insert the implants – which are small titanium posts mimicking the ‘tooth root’ – into the jawbone of the patient.
Pain Level: Minimal pain with slight sensitivity
Read more about the treatment of dental implants Sydney here.

Are You an Anxious Patient?

Dr David Dunn of Macquarie Street Centre is a professional dentist specialising in cosmetic dentistry and dental implants. Implants involve surgery to restore function and beauty, but don't worry, because we provide sleep dentistry methods to soothe anxious patients!
The implant procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. At Macquarie Street Centre, we offer three sedation options:
  • Intravenous Sedation
  • Oral Sedation
  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas)
We provide these sedation options to ensure optimum comfort for patients, especially those who may be nervous or anxious about dental procedures. If you are comfortable with a general dental procedure, then you should have no problems undergoing an implant procedure.
Dental implant treatments enjoy a high success rate in the 95-percentile range. That said, our implant dentists take every care to minimise the already low-level risk factors. We will examine your treatment site thoroughly and study your medical records, before determining the best treatment plan and methodology for you.
We use only advanced techniques and quality clinical products to further reduce the likelihood of complications, most of which occur due to inferior surgical methods and materials. Giving ample time allowance between each patient, our clinicians and staff believe in giving the patient their undivided attention. Rushed procedures usually mean poorly undertaken jobs. After a high-quality implant treatment, your teeth should feel and function like your own natural teeth.

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