How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Look

How You Can Change Your Look with Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is an increasingly popular facet of dentistry that is focused on improving the beauty and attractiveness of your smile. In the past, a dentist is generally viewed as the person who treats decay or extracts your tooth. Not anymore! With the advent of cosmetic dentistry, many people today see a dentist for elective treatments, and not simply because they need to have a decayed or aching tooth treated.
In addition to enhancing the aesthetics of your smile, cosmetic dentists offer treatments that restore health and functionality to your teeth. An example of a restorative treatment that experienced cosmetic dentists offer is dental implants. Used as a means of treating patients’ with one or more missing teeth, dental implants also provide aesthetically pleasing results as the modern solution to teeth replacement.
Whether purely aesthetic or otherwise, cosmetic dentistry plays a unique role in the ongoing advancement of dental health and beauty. This statement is underscored by the following treatment techniques – that are helping to redefine dentistry for a new generation of dental patients:

Porcelain Veneers

If you are looking for a treatment that gives your teeth a rejuvenated appearance – and one commonly used to create the smiles of Hollywood celebrities – you would be interested in porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers are essentially ultra-thin ceramic shells that are bonded to your teeth to totally transform their appearance while retaining a natural looking aesthetic. Veneers are commonly used to hide dental imperfections like stains, wear and fractures. They are especially helpful for people who wish to create a permanent improvement in the shading of their teeth, which can become discoloured over time due to age and lifestyle factors.
These restorations are so life-like that you would find it difficult to tell them apart from real teeth – even upon close inspection. The porcelain material possesses a translucency that mimics natural tooth enamel, even reflecting light in a similar fashion – with that same shiny glint. Read more about the brilliant results of porcelain veneers on our page here.

Digital Smile Design

Some people may be apprehensive about the final results of their cosmetic treatment, not sure whether it would suit them or complement their facial features. There is an exclusive technique offered by The Macquarie Street Centre known as Digital Smile Design that can allay such concerns.
Known as DSD for short, the system is built around using photographic records, video and impressions of your smile, along with computerised software, to create a digital smile design based on your specific tooth shaping, lips, gums and facial features.
Most importantly, and what our patients are most excited about, is that this smile design is physically transferable onto your teeth in a non-invasive and non-permanent way. Rather than simply an ‘image’ of your teeth, you get to physically see this in your mouth! This is then recorded in further images and video for you to share with friends and family, prior to committing to treatment and before any tooth is prepared. It also serves as a ‘blueprint’ for your future crowns or veneers, and can also be adjusted or modified before getting started.


Invisalign is a teeth-straightening treatment that represents a more comfortable, effective and discreet option to achieve that beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.
Using a series of clear, removable aligners, the Invisalign method works by applying slow pressure to move the teeth over time to their desired position. Unlike traditional metal braces, the clear aligners allow you to straighten your teeth in a discreet – and much less noticeable fashion. In other words, you won’t have to advertise the fact that you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment with those obvious metal wires and bands on your teeth. That’s just one of many reasons why these virtually unnoticeable aligners have been so popular with adult orthodontic patients. Want to know more about Invisalign? Read more about the Invisalign process and its benefits here.

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