Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

When you look in the mirror, are you happy with the smile you see? Do you enjoy looking back at photos that were taken of you, or do they make you cringe? Working together with your dentist to make some changes to your smile can give you a smile you’ll be proud to show off. But did you know that it can also improve your outlook on life — and even your whole-body health?
Change Your Smile, Change Your Life

A Reason to Smile

You know that when you’re happy, you smile. But studies have also indicated that having a great smile could make you happier!
One 2013 study followed 150 men and women. These people, all between the ages of 24 and 82, were missing teeth for various reasons. During the study, they received dental implants to fill the gaps. According to the participants’ Oral Health Impact Profiles (OHIP) before and after the procedure, missing teeth contributed to negative self image and made participants feel self-conscience. After receiving implants, the participants’ mean OHIP score rose from 70% to almost 100%, and they reported improved self confidence and overall happiness.
Speaking of self confidence, your smile can be key to making a good first impression. A 2016 surveyshowed that 45% of people see the smile as the most attractive feature, regardless of age. More than a third — 37% — thought a flawed smile made a person less attractive, and a quarter of people felt that those with an imperfect smile were less confident.

What Your Smile Says About Your Health

But a beautiful, healthy smile doesn’t just make you happier and more attractive — it can also improve your overall health.
One oft-cited study compared the facial expressions from 1952 baseball players’ trading cards with the lifespans of the players featured. They found that on average, the players who smiled on their cards lived years longer than the players who didn’t!
And of course, your oral health is key to your overall health. Brushing your teeth twice a day doesn’t just help prevent staining and keep your teeth white, it also can help prevent the cavities and gum disease that could ultimately result in tooth loss.
Oral health issues are also tied to a host of other illnesses outside the mouth, from prostate disease to sleep apnea. The mouth provides an easy way for disease to get past your defenses. Think of your mouth as the castle gate — you can have the tallest, strongest castle walls, but if the gate is rotted and weak, invaders can get inside easily. Defending your whole-body health means you have to keep close tabs on oral health.

Get the Smile You Dream Of

If you aren’t happy with your smile, isn’t it high time you change that? Whether you’re suffering from oral health problems, cosmetic problems, or some combination, improving your smile can create change both inside and outside of your mouth.

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